What Can National Political Conventions Teach You About Making Sales?

Whether you are democrat or republican, there is an important lesson to take away from how national political conventions are handled.

The lesson is about "messaging" and "image."

As an observer of these conventions you can see how much the parties try to control their message and image. These conventions are very carefully designed and choreographed. The participants are given scripts, rehearse their parts, send their scripts to the media, have professionals help with wardrobe, hair, makeup, and how to present. They even have someone help them know the best ways to get to and from the speakers’ platform. This is an Event with a capital "E" and that is exactly how it’s treated.

In one of the conventions I watched, the particular reporter I heard said that one of the speakers had tried on five different suits to determine which one would show up most favorably on television. FIVE suits!

They, rightly so, know that with millions of potential voters (translate "customers") the message and image they communicate about their candidate (translate "your company") is critical to getting people to vote (translate "buy from you").

Basically, these conventions are one big commercial or ad for their respective parties and the candidates they promote.

So, how about you? Do you carefully plan and choreograph your message and image to your customers? Do you take care to have your customers see only the very best you and your "party" have to offer. Or do you simply go along and let your competition or the marketplace haphazardly define who you are and what your value is?

As you observe these conventions (and other similar events) you should be asking yourself:

* Would your current and potential constituents vote for you over other similar candidates? In other words are you their candidate of choice? (Do your customers think you are the best and most knowledgeable salesperson they talk to?)

* Do your customers know who you are and what value you bring to them?

* Is there a clear distinction between you and your competition?

* Do they know what you stand for (what is your expertise)?

* Do you communicate your experiences and how you have helped other customers?

Elections are a great analogy for the business world. Every day you are in competition against yourself, the marketplace, and other providers of technology solutions. So every day you have to ask yourself: Am I the candidate of choice for my customers? Or am I one of the candidates who lost in the primary and the names of whom people can’t even remember?

It’s up to you; you decide who you’re going to vote for just as your customers decide who to vote for every time they make a purchase.

Ramon provides more marketing information, especially created for the IT VAR industry but also applies to everyone who wants to improve their sales. Stay up-to-date at StreetSmartVAR.com and while you’re there, don’t forget to sign up for Ramon’s popular, no-cost online marketing course!

Article Source: What Can National Political Conventions Teach You About Making Sales?